Versatile Award

Hey there, yesterday I got nominated for versatile award by an amazing blogger those happy thoughts (check her out!). Thank you once again!

The rules for this are very simple:

•First of all, give the link and name of the blogger who nominated you, in your post.
•Secondly, give 7 facts about you.
•Lastly, nominate some new bloggers to do the same.

So as first part is done let’s move to the second one. These are the 7 facts about me:

1. I wear contact lenses most of the time as I am pretty much blind without them!

2. I’d choose comfy shoes over heels anytime.

3. I am lithuanian living in Scotland, UK.

4. I engaged and currently trying to plan a wedding.

5. I tend to go on big shopping sprees when I’m feeling down.

6. My birthday is on the 6th of December.

7. I collect little boxes and also elephant figurines.

And my nominations go to:


Beauty and the Mechanic

Dorothea Beauty

Naidu Elena


Hope you find this interesting!
