10 type of people that get on my nerves

Sometimes people can be really annoying and this is what this post is about, just venting off some emotions 🙂

1. You know when you’re walking on a busy day and there are lots of people, there’s always someone that you have the unluckiness to walk behind, that changes their minds suddenly and just stop in the middle of the road or turn, completely throwing you off guard and forcing you to walk around them for no reason at all!

2. People who bump into you or hit you with their bags whilst shopping! I mean – Hello! Are you blind? Am I bloody invisible?!

3. People that decide to have a long conversation in the middle of an entrance to a shop or cafe or etc., so that there’s no way in or out.

4. People who decide to sit away from each other on buses yet having an extremely loud conversation. I mean, can’t you just sit beside one another and speak quietly. That also goes to people just speaking too loud on any public transportation. I just think it’s outrageously rude.

5. Narcissistic people.

6. People who whilst shopping change their minds and drop the goods wherever even when they are just two steps away! (I can forgive when it’s far away, but how lazy do you need to be to go back just two steps?). Let’s respect the people around us.

7. People that speak on the phone when they come to the tills, ignoring the cashier entirely. Rude rude rude!

8. Drunk People

9. People that assume that everyone should like the same things as them.

10. People that listen to loud music in flats

So to all you out there:

And you know the first step of recovery is admitting you have an a problem, so repeat out loud after this:

50 things that make me happy tag

The lovely Natalie’s Beauty Base challenged me to come up with 50 things that make me happy couple days ago. Which I am very excited to do! Here it goes!

1. My fiancee (I know, I know, it’s very pathetic but I’m not even sorry!)

2. Good music (Don’t know what I would do without it)

3. The smell of a new book

4. Long train journeys

5. Shopping!

I refuse to think otherwise.

6. Getting mail

7. That reminds me – Doctor Who!

8. Ice cream

9. A glass of wine after a long day

10. Going to concerts

11. Waking up on a day off knowing I can stay in bed longer

12. Also waking up with my boyfriend

13. Buying presents

14. Sunshine

15. The smell of freshness after a strong rain

16. Putting my make up on (sounds weird, but I find it quite relaxing)

17. Binge watching good TV series

18. Tea

19. Cocktails

20. Bubble baths

21. Holidays

22. My friends

23. Having a good hair day

24. Film night on a sofa

25. Tattoos

26. Taking photos

27. Elephants

28. Castles

29. Perfect winged eyeliner

30. Compliments

31. Jigsaws

32. Candles

33. Vinyl players

34. Puppies and dogs

35. Long walks

36. Beach and sea

37. Converse shoes

38. Rings

39. Getting my nails done

40. Mountains

41. Finding a new band to love

42. Hot chocolate

43. Watching buzzfeed videos


44. Chequered shirts

45. Aviator sunglasses

46. Getting into a warm bed after a long day

47. Flowers

48. Cuddles

49. Dyeing my hair

50. Dreaming

Whew! I’ve done it! I really enjoyed this and I’d like to tag those happy thoughts and Beauty Fashion Lifestyle. Hope you enjoy doing this as well!
